Saturday, April 16, 2011

75 degrees Fahrenheit: The perfect human temperature?

I read somewhere in a book years ago that the temperature in heaven is always 75 degrees Fahrenheit.  I won't reveal the book in which that information appeared cuz it's kinda embarrassing.  Suffice to say that this particular "factoid" is about the only thing I remember from the entire book - and that's probably a good thing.

But I guess it means I got to experience a little slice of heaven today, as I strolled up Vine Street to grab a bite to eat.  It was 77 degrees outside, with a light breeze blowing, after a day in which the mercury climbed up to almost 90 degrees. I had on my flip flops and shorts and a light t-shirt and felt content. Had it not been for my desire to get back home with my meal, I would have liked to spend more time outside (note to self: next time go to Waffle and eat outside). It was not so hot that I felt sweaty or uncomfortable, and not too cool to the point where I'd want to switch to pants or a heavier t-shirt.

The other day, my friend Corey commented to me that 75 is the "perfect human temperature," and after today I'm reminded that I agree with her. Sure, I love snow, and I also like hot days where you can sit on the beach all day, but somehow 75 just feels "perfect." Is that wrong of me to like it so d*mn much?

Oh, and for all my non-LA friends who may be wondering, yes I'm officially a weather "wimp." When the mercury dips below 60, I now shiver, like somehow I'm cold. Really Luke? Cold at 60? Maybe. That will probably have to go down as one of those unanswerable questions. What I do know is that the range of temperatures in LA (usually between 55 and 70 in the winter and usually between 60 and 85 in the summer) suits me just fine.

But I do miss thunderstorms.

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