Monday, June 20, 2011

Home, sick

Not feeling too well today, and since I have a little time to relax at home, I thought what better to do than to blog?  hahaha.

It's been over a month since I said anything on these pages, and a lot has happened in that time.  My job has turned up its intensity a notch, which I am really enjoying.  The boyfriend and I got a couple weekends to do boyfriend-y stuff, like going on a spa date, watching movies together, and seeing Kylie Minogue at the Hollywood Bowl.  We've made some new friends who we are really enjoying getting to hang out with.  I'm hosting pub trivia once a week at a local watering hole.  The weather has pretty much not changed - still mid-70s and sunny about 90% of the time.  And, all things considered, I'm feeling pretty good.  :-)

That said, the other night I just felt stressed out.  I couldn't sleep, I was having nightmares when I did sleep, and I was starting to come down with something (which is keeping me home today).  And I realized something that hadn't really sunk in intrinsically the way that I've understood it intellectually for some time.

I've been going through a lot of change this past year.

I left the city I'd called home for ten years.  I moved to a new city that, up until about a year before I'd moved, I hadn't even contemplated as a place I could find myself living.  I left a job and did consulting work for some time to support myself.  I started a new job that has challenged and supported me in new ways.  My relationship is in a completely different (and even better) place now than when it was long-distance.  I'm making new friends.  I'm adjusting to a totally different way of life and interaction with my community (less political, more playful).

These are just the topline adjustments that come to mind, and underneath each of them is a series of smaller, and still impactful, changes that have weighed on me and also given me whole new insights into things.

A lot has happened in just nine months, and, frankly, I'm really happy about it.  That doesn't mean that I don't feel stressed out at times or go through difficult moments.  If anything, if it weren't stressful on some level then one could reasonably question whether it was really challenging me in any way.

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